The Ask Dr. Hollie Show

Ya know, in my twenty plus years of counseling, I've been able to help a lot of different people with a lot of different issues and this book could help you or someone you know. In all my years of counseling, there's one thing I've learned: we all need a flash of therapy every now and then. So go ahead, and get my book today. You may even want to pick one up for a friend.
Dr. Karen Hollie
How to Order
"Therapy in a Flash"

Or you can send $19.10 to:
Ask Dr. Hollie/Therapy in a Flash
3930 Boulder St., Dallas, Tx 75237.

When I wanted to write about a woman without friends, without hope...I knew I had to talk to Dr. Hollie first. She gave me guidance about what it would take to turn around the character s life. The resulting book, Any Rich Man Will Do is one of my best sellers. Dr. Hollie isn t about self, but helping others. In her role as a psychological therapist, educator, and as a life coach she has touched the lives of many. Therapy in a Flash will touch you, too. --National Bestselling Author Francis Ray
Dr.Hollie confronts the relationship issues of everyday life, issues we are all familiar with. Very familiar with I saw myself in several of the Ask Dr. Hollie letters, and so will you. --Mike Brock Author of A Journey of Heart, Mind, and Soul