The Ask Dr. Hollie Show

Ya know, in my twenty plus years of counseling, I've been able to help a lot of different people with a lot of different issues and this book could help you or someone you know. In all my years of counseling, there's one thing I've learned: we all need a flash of therapy every now and then. So go ahead, and get my book today. You may even want to pick one up for a friend.
Dr. Karen Hollie
How to Order
"Therapy in a Flash"

Or you can send $19.10 to:
Ask Dr. Hollie/Therapy in a Flash
3930 Boulder St., Dallas, Tx 75237.

Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:45 a.m.
Saturday Bible Study 9:00 a.m.
714 N. Watson Rd. Ste 310
Arlington, TX 76010
Worship Times
Our Mission

Out to a lost and dying world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Out to people who are hurting or traditionally overlooked.
Beyond the walls of the church and into the community to love others with Jesus-style compassion.
Across the ocean to provide spiritual and physical help to those in need.
The world by sending out fully committed disciples.
Others compassionately.
People where they are.
The community in creative ways.
The world by serving one another.
By developing a culture of servanthood.
Generously to build God's Kingdom.
Unselfishly as stewards of God's resources.
So that God receives the glory.
Honor to God through dynamic, Christ-centered, Spirit-led worship and prayer.
Because we are blessed to be a blessing.
